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  • Friends of the Chamber

  • Did You Know?

    We offer a Friend of the Chamber Sponsorship which is a discounted Sponsorship intended to save YOU, our business member money and help continue to keep the staple events in our community going. As you know, Delafield Chamber is a very EVENT-DRIVEN Chamber - however, events can cost a lot of money! It is only through Sponsorship that we are able to continue to put on events. Being a Friend of the Chamber is a great way to show your support for all the local events that we do!


    Friend of the Chamber Event Package

    This marketing opportunity includes basic sponsorship of four major Delafield Chamber of Commerce events and supports Chamber initiatives that all members can benefit from. By purchasing the Friend of the Chamber Event Package, your business will save $100 on sponsorships for events you might already have planned on sponsoring. You must book this marketing opportunity by April 1, 2025 to maximize your exposure through this package.


    DelaFreeze - $100

    Opportunity to set up at the event as a Business Spsonor

    DelaSpring - $100

    Opportunity to set up at the event as a Business Spsonor

    Ladies' Night Out Series - $50

    This allows you to add a marketing piece to the LNO Bags for all (6) of th events

    Annual Awards Mixer - $50

    Attendance for (2) Members of your Business

    Halloween in Delafield - $100

    Opportunity to set up at the event as a Business Sponsor

    Breakfast with Reindeer - $100

    Angel Sponsorship, 10% off larger sponsorships



    If you Sponsor these individually it equals $700, but FOC is Only $500!


    Why Become a Friend of the Chamber?

    By signing up to become a Friend of the Chamber, we add your business logo and link to our event pages now and you have time to leverage your exposure. Knowing in February that you will be a sponsor of events in May, September, October, November, and December will give you time to plan marketing strategies around those events. 


    Friend of the Chamber Marketing Perks!!!

    Every Friend of the Chamber gets one designated

    Featured Week throughout 2025.

    Each Feature Week includes:


    • An Exclusive Shout Out in our MAXIMIZE YOUR BUSINES newsletter which goes out weekly to over 1,500 members
    • Two social media posts or videos with a link back to your business page during your Featured Week.
    • Display a business sign/banner in the window of the Chamber Office



    VIP Sponsorship Additional Discount

    If your business becomes a Friend of the Chamber and you are considering upgrading your sponsorship for events or want to purchase a sponsorship for the Block Party or Wine Walk & Brew Fest, we have a VIP Sponsorship Discount of 10% applied to upgraded sponsorship or new sponsorship. 


    **Friend of Chamber Sponsorship does not apply to Delafield Block Party OR Delafield Wine Walk and Brew Fest. It does however apply for your

    10% upgraded Sponsorship Discount available on all events.**


    We appreciate your consideration, for more information or to be invoiced, please email info@delafieldchamber.com or call us at 262-370-3861.



    Do you have an event in mind?

    Want to make suggestions for current events?


    We'd love to hear from you! Set up a time with Megan Braatz, Executive Director to go over your idea! We are always looking at improving our current events and starting new ones! We want to maximize your exposure as a member!


  • Upcoming Events

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